Peng Haoyuan

Senior algorithm engineer at Learnable.AI, Shanghai.


I am currently a senior algorithm engineer at Learnable.AI in Shanghai. Prior to that, I was a senior researcher at Tencent in Shanghai. I was a member of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, and received my bachelor and master degree from Software School of Fudan University, under supervision from Prof Xiaoqing Zheng.

My major research interests are about natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal information extraction.

My Zhihu Homepage is: 胡思乱想小工人


Jan 10, 2023 I joined as a senior algorithm engineer. :sparkles:
Dec 12, 2022 I ended my 4 years and 6 months career at Tencent.
Jan 30, 2020 I climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, at an altitude of 5895 meters.

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